Dr Graves, We Can Heal Your Disease by Dr H Herington - Adapted from Best of Naturopathic 2015, Townsend Letter for Doctors.
It took me two bouts of Graves Disease five years apart to really understand what this autoimmune hyperthyroidism is all about. I say this in all humility because my intention in submitting this paper is to generate interest in bona fide research from the perspective of naturopathic medicine. I believe this will verify the positive effect of a holistic approach, demonstrate that our medicine can do much to alleviate suffering from this poorly understood disease and in fact must be engaged to help reverse the normal allopathic practice of "slash or burn" that continues to be the norm in 2014. CLICK FOR MORE
ANXIETY DISORDER by Dr. Heather Herington, ND, DHANP
Everyone experiences anxiety from time to time; this is part of the human condition. But when it interferes with our day-to-day activities we must pay close attention and perhaps seek professional help. Anxiety comes in many forms, at times fleeting, at times causing immobility. On a positive note, it can serve as an early warning system to protect us from harm. It alerts us to what our body or mind sees as a deeper danger. When we can sort this out, see its positive intent, then we can release it. CLICK FOR MORE
THE MEANING OF EMOTION by Dr. Heather Herington, ND, DHANP
You walk past a woman, hair askew, muttering to herself. A man looks at the woman fearfully, steps out of her way. The woman’s muttering becomes louder. You too look away. You’d think by the way we act that mental illness is contagious. It scares us, causes us shame and embarrassment, and makes us ridicule, reject and finally isolate a person as if he/she has an infectious disease. Perhaps we do this because deep down we know that not one of us is immune. CLICK FOR MORE
YEAST INFECTIONS by Dr. Heather Herington, ND, DHANP
Ah, Candida albicans, the little critters. The bane of a woman’s (and a man’s) sex life. As good a reason for not having sex as the proverbial headache. These one-celled yeasts, as many women can attest, cause an irritating vaginal discharge accompanied by redness and swelling that can result in an almost unbearable itching. (For some women this clear or cheesy discharge is merely annoying.) And yet candida (albicans and relatives) are normal inhabitants of a healthy vagina. It’s their home; we can’t evict them, and we wouldn’t want to. CLICK FOR MORE
THE POWER OF SOUR by Dr. Heather Herington, ND, DHANP
HANDS UP, THOSE OF YOU WHO WAKE UP EVERY MORNING and run to the kitchen for a swig of apple cider vinegar ... I didn't think so. For most of us, a natural affinity for apple cider vinegar, even diluted, is a stretch. But what about an acquired taste? In fact, if you have the courage to try apple cider vinegar in liquid form, you may find it addictive. Why? Because it works, and it works quickly. (And if you can't get around the sour taste, apple cider vinegar is now available in tablets.) When I'm feeling toxic from eating the wrong foods, or if my metabolism is "off" from stress, there's no other substance in my kitchen that helps me feel better faster than apple cider vinegar. CLICK FOR MORE
VACCINATION ARTICLE No.1– Fall 2019* by Heather L. Herington BSc, NMD, DHANP
Except for the Wicked Witch of the West and the people in charge of putting people in cages at the southern border, I suspect most people genuinely care about children being and staying healthy. Unfortunately, the vaccination question has created this almost unmanageable divide between friends, families, doctors and government officials, all who feel they have the informed and compassionate answer. CLICK FOR MORE
Getting a good night's sleep has so many physical, emotional and mental benefits. Yet all of the distractions that demand our attention, going to sleep on time and getting enough rest has become extremely elusive to many of us. Why is sleep so important and how can we make it a priority? CLICK FOR MORE
Often when we refer to wellness, we assume that we are talking about physical wellbeing. But one can be physically very healthy, but still be unwell emotionally or mentally. What are the steps we can take to cultivate optimal wellness in all areas of our life; to develop Mental, Physical, Emotional & Spiritual Wellbeing? CLICK FOR MORE
The world seems to be reeling from one crisis to another. We've experienced a global pandemic, economic uncertainty, political and social turmoil. Then there are personal traumas that people are dealing with, such as the loss of a loved one, health issues, unemployment, divorce or the loss of a job. Coping with change can be a traumatic as it often affects every part of our lives. CLICK FOR MORE